Technology partner of LOCTITE® TEROSON
in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industries
on The North-West Region of Russia

- 12.11.2009 Meeting of the Council of NP ST. Petersburg Founder Union took place in which representatives from R&PC Altech took part
- 26.10.2009 The St. Petersburg Founder Union website published a joint article “Modern Materials and Technologies for Casting Defect Elimination and Parts Porosity Sealing”
- 03.10.2009 R&PC Altech took part in work of II St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum and XIII International Forum “Russian Industrialist-2009” which took place from September 30 to October 2 in Saint Petersburg
- 30.06.2009 R&PC Altech, together with Henkel-Loctite Company, took active part in work of the IV International Navy Show” which have taken place in Saint Petersburg on June 24-28.
- 27.05.2009 Untitled Resource
- 02.03.2009 The first issue of trade magazine “Shipbuilding” for 2008 published an article “Modern Materials and Technologies of Casting Porosity Sealing”.
- 25.02.2009 The annual scientific and production compilation of OJSC Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Technology Center (OJSC CTSS – formerly FSUE CNII TS) “Shipbuilding Technology Bulletin” for 2008 published the article “Tests and Prospects of Using New Adhesive, Seali
- 18.09.2008 R&PC Altech took part in work of the Seventh All-Russian Conference and Exhibition for Marine Intellectual Technologies”
- 08.08.2008 The first issue of compilation of FSUE 51 CKTIS “Ship Repair Technology” for 2008 published the article “Technology of Repair of Mechanisms, Equipment and Systems Using Adhesive, Sealing and Epoxy Compounds”
- 05.05.2008 The second issue of trade magazine Shipbuilding for 2008 published the article “Technologies of Using Adhesive, Sealing and Repair Compounds in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair”.
- 28.02.2008 R&PC “Altech” has been certificated by “Henkel-Loctite” Corporation as official distributor of LOCTITE® TEROSON in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region
- 30.10.2007 R&PC “Altech” developed “Technological Instructions”, TI were agreed with CRISM “Prometey”, CRIST and Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
- 10.10.2007 Approvals of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping for Henkel-Loctite materials were received
- 01.08.2007 R&PC “Altech” has been certified by “Henkel-Loctite” Corporation as LOCTITE ® TEROSON technological partner in the field of shipbuilding and ship repair in the Northwest region of the Russian Federation.
- 28.07.2007 Seminar “Modern Henkel adhesive technologies in shipbuilding and ship repair”
- 25.04.2007 “Henkel-Loctite” Corporation decided to begin the Project “Henkel-Loctite – Shipbuilding and Ship Repair in the Russian Federation”