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The St. Petersburg Founder Union website published a joint article “Modern Materials and Technologies for Casting Defect Elimination and Parts Porosity Sealing”

The St. Petersburg Founder Union website published a joint article “Modern Materials and Technologies for Casting Defect Elimination and Parts Porosity Sealing”. Authors are Evseyev V.I, Cand. Sc., president of Nonprofit Partnership St. Petersburg Founder Union, Tkachenko S.V., director general of R&PC Altech LLC. As is known, foundry is one of the most important stages in the machine building production process. Modern grave condition of foundry makes heads and specialists search for ways to improve product quality and reduce process costs, in particular, by means of substantial reject reduction. As a rule, defects in casting blocks lead to deterioration of characteristics of parts and machine components, till their complete unserviceability. Defects in the form of parts’ (castings, formings) structure porosity require the use of specific processing methods for their elimination. Read the article at the Founder Union website