Technology partner of LOCTITE® TEROSON
in Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industries on The North-West Region of Russia
R&PC Altech took part in work of II St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum and XIII International Forum “Russian Industrialist-2009” which took place from September 30 to October 2 in Saint Petersburg

R&PC Altech took part in work of the seminar “Ways of Development of Casting Mechanical Production in Contemporary Conditions”, organized by the St. Petersburg Founder Union within the framework of the II St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum and XIII International Forum “Russian Industrialist-2009” which took place from September 30 to October 2 in Saint Petersburg S.V. Tkachenko, director general of R&PC Altech, presented a paper entitled “The technology of impregnation with Henkel-Loctite polymeric compounds for eliminating casting defects”.